Cannabis infused avocado oil is one of the healthiest infusions out there. In this recipe we show you how to properly infuse weed into avocado.

This avocado infused oil can be used to make many of your favorite recipes especially if they contain Avocados. Here are a few of our favorites.
- Avocado Toast
- Avocado Tacos
- Guacamole
- Avocado Salad
- Avocado and Lox
- Avocado dressing & vinaigrette
- And more

Cannabis Infused Avocado Oil
minutesThis cannabis infused Avocado Oil recipe is a heart healthy oil that is a great vehicle for THC. This recipe is very light in flavor on purpose. This allows it to pair well with a vast assortment of foods without sacrificing the overall dishes flavor.
½ Cup Ground Cannabis Flower
½ Cup Avocado oil
- In order to extract the most THC from your flower it is important to decarboxylate it. What that simply means is to heat it at a low temperature in order to prepare the THC for infusion. Preheat your oven at 200 F. Use a parchment paper on a baking sheet and then spread your cannabis flower on the parchment paper and cover in aluminum foil. Place in oven for 45-60mins.
- Add flower and avocado oil into a slow cooker and cook at low temperature for 4-6 hrs stirring once or twice every hour.
- Use a combination of a bowl, fine mesh strainer and a nut milk bag or cheesecloth to them separate the flower from the oil. NOTE: Use disposable kitchen gloves and flexible spatulas to handle this material. Handling this material with your bare hands can lead to an undesired experience as THC infused oil can be absorbed through skin.
- Store the finished cannabis infused avocado oil in a small mason jar in the refrigerator. Depending on the potency of your flower THC content will vary. On average this recipe should produce oil with roughly 10-20mg of THC per TSPN. My advice is to test it out in small amounts in order to recognized what is the right amount for you.
- Decarboxylation: As mentioned above you will have to decarboxylate the cannabis for best results. Here is how to decarboxylate weed.Servings: This makes 24 one TSP ServingsStrains: Remember the amount of THC in the strain will effect the potency of the avocado oil. The following strains pair well with avocado oil.Sour DieselMimosaGelatoGreen Crack (Cush)Wedding Cake StrainSherbert OG StrainIce Cream Cake StrainRuntz StrainCereal Milk StrainLearn how many ounces in a pound of weed.
The Steps
1. Ground Flower

2. Avocado Oil and Flower

3. Crock Pot Together

4. Infused Oil

5. Avocado Oil in Jar

Buy a Decarber & Infusion Device
Buy one of these decarber and infusion devices to make the process easier. You can even bake with them.