Ya know how a perfectly cooked steak hits your palate and stomach in a way you just can’t quite articulate? That’s how Meat Breath will hit your mind and ...
Looking for some wake-and-bake bud or something that’ll help you power through the dreaded midday slump? The Silver Haze strain might be exactly what ...
For a chill treat, turn to a marijuana strain named for its cool effects. Snowcap, also called Snocap, is a well-balanced hybrid that provides both calming ...
Don’t be put off by the savory-sounding name — this strain is all sweet! Gumbo is short for gumball, which hints at the sweet and tropical bubblegum flavor ...
For a sativa-dominant strain with a powerfully sweet flavor, Jillybean is an experience all its own. It was named one of High Times’ Top 10 Strains in ...
If you need an afternoon or early evening smoke that’ll lift you up and help you happily tackle whatever comes your way, the Citral Glue strain might ...
Unlike most strains today that were bred for higher and higher THC levels, Harlequin is a high CBD strain with lower levels of THC. In fact, most tested ...
Need some nighttime herb that’ll lift your mood, soothe pain, and help you get an excellent night’s sleep? The famous Big Bud strain might be exactly what ...
Need a strain that’ll get you moving but keep you oddly relaxed at the same time? The ultra-tasty Juicy Fruit strain (aka Fruity Juice) is for you. This ...
Fans of watermelon candies and soda should flock to the Melonade strain, which offers some of the same flavors packed into its colorful buds. It’s as ...
Copyright Flavor Fix, LLC 2020
DISCLAIMER: Flavorfix.com is an educational resource for law-abiding professionals interested cannabis and spirits. We do not offer investment or health advice. We ask all site visitors to do their own due diligence before investing in stocks or trying any strains or spirits that we write about. Know that possessing, using, distributing and selling cannabis are all federal crimes in the United States of America. The information, articles, pages, links, and other things on this site are not intended to assist you in violating federal law. Please consult a doctor before consuming cannabis or spirits. Please drink and smoke responsibly. Please remember that pregnant women should not drink or smoke. Flavorfix.com and all associated entities and individuals are not responsible for third party content and/or links published on this website.
FlavorFix.com is the premiere source for cannabis, CBD, and spirits, news, finance, entertainment and culture.
Thanks Sky! Let me know if there is any thing you want me to write about that is not on the site. Have a great weekend.
Thanks for the love. We have to move this industry forward!