10 Best Strains for Sleep

Sampling one of the best strains for sleep might just help you beat your insomnia once and for all. Cannabis is one of the best ways to naturally treat sleeping issues, and the right strain can help you deal with chronic pain or cramping issues that might keep you awake at night. Explore these top 10 strains for sleep, and you’re sure to find at least one that works for you.

What Do the Studies Say About Cannabis and Sleep?

There have been many studies concerning cannabis and sleep over the last few decades, but not all of them produced clear results. Still, there’s good evidence that THC and other cannabinoids can improve your ability to fall asleep. A large-scale review conducted in 2019 of various studies regarding cannabinoids for sleep found that the majority of them showed moderate to strong positive effects from the compounds. A small trial of medicinal cannabis oil improved the sleep of participants so much that 60% were no longer considered insomniacs by the end of the process.

FAQs About Cannabis for Sleep

Do you need CBD to sleep?

While THC might help you relieve pain and relax, it doesn’t necessarily trigger sleep. Other cannabinoids like CBD and CBN can be as effective as melatonin in helping you fall asleep.

Can cannabis help you fall asleep?

It’s largely a matter of your individual response to each strain, but most studies find that cannabis helps participants fall asleep.

Will cannabis help you stay asleep?

There is less evidence that cannabis can lead to longer periods of sleep, but many people do find that using the right strain helps them stay asleep and wake less at night.

How long should you take cannabis before sleep?

For the best results, take edibles about one hour before you plan to fall asleep. Smoking or vaporizing THC leads to faster effects, so try doing it around 20 minutes before you want to start sleeping.

The Top 10 Best Strains for Sleep

1. White Rhino

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White Rhino has the power to trample you right into an early night in bed, but it’s not too overwhelming for beginners, either. This sleepy strain has 17% THC on average and around 0.5% CBD. The earthy, sweet flavor is mild enough to use in most edibles as well.

2. Flo Walker

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A popular medicinal strain with plenty of history, Flo Walker is an indica-heavy strain that kills pain while encouraging you to get great sleep. It’ll help you stay asleep for a full 8 hours without leaving you feeling groggy the next day.

3. Ether

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Named after one of the original forms of anesthesia, this strain is sure to relieve any lingering pain or stress issues you have. This puts you in the perfect state of mind to drift off with the help of Ether.

4. Big Bud

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The name is a reference to the large and dense buds produced by this strain, but you’ll also find it giving you big sleep vibes after you indulge. Big Bud is a nighttime strain that’s a little too sleep-inducing for daytime use. It’s the perfect pick for stubborn insomnia.

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For a sugary, sweet dessert strain that will wrap up your day with a smile, pick up some Cookie Dawg. The flavors of brown sugar and toasted nuts are balanced out by a hint of pine. But it’s the 23% THC and 1% CBD content that will give you the effects you want.

6. MK Ultra

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Break up some of these dense and sticky buds for a relaxing effect you’ll feel for hours. MK Ultra is a popular strain for people who find themselves struggling to fall asleep at the end of the day. It can also leave you with the munchies, so prepare some snacks before you drift off.

7. Purple Bubba

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Purple Bubba is a heavy-hitting strain that will have you reaching for your pillow from the first puff. This sleep-inducing strain can pack up to 25% THC in each bud, so complete beginners may want to choose something a little lighter.

8. Kaya 9 LB Hammer

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Dropping the hammer on your insomnia is easy with the Kaya 9 LB Hammer strain. As the name suggests, this fruit-flavored variety can leave you seeing stars as you recline and let your body relax.

9. Do-Si-Do

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Heavy on the indica side of the spectrum, the Do-Si-Dos strain starts as a cerebral high that can leave you tingling all over. It settles into a sleepy sort of relaxation that will leave you slowly drifting off.

10. Northern Lights

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Northern Lights is one of those strains that has been used to encourage sleep for decades. It has a long history of medicinal use, but it can also help you enjoy your day if you’ve got nothing better to do than rest on the couch.

There are plenty of strains that can help you get the rest you need, even if chronic pain and insomnia are complicating your normal routine. Check out some of the other strains we’ve covered here at Flavor Fix to find the right one for you.

Drug Test Kits

Getting a handle on your lifestyle or finding a new job could involve taking a number of drug tests. If you’re not sure what to expect from lab testing, using a drug testing kit designed for home use can prepare you. Of course, you must first find accurate tests you can rely on. Find out what you need to know about drug test kits and where to order them.

What Are Drug Test Kits?

Testing kits allow you to sample bodily fluids like urine and saliva and use them to determine if drugs have been used recently. You can use the tests to monitor your own results or request that a family member or employee use them. Some of the kits involve sending the samples back to a lab for extra accurate results, while others provide nearly instant results without the need to wait for lab testing.

Why Use These Kits

  • Prepare for a pre-employment test or random drug test at work
  • Check up on a family member that you suspect of abusing drugs
  • Ensure that someone you’re caring for is taking their medication, which requires a specialized lab test
  • Determine if you’re experiencing false positives due to something you’re taking.

How to Use At-Home Drug Test Kits

Start by choosing the right test for what you want to measure. Some tests require a swab from the mouth, while others rely on samples of urine, blood, or hair instead. Only saliva and urine tests can offer quick results at home. Other types of drug test kits will require lab testing to reveal results, which can take a few days to a week.

Make sure you’re storing the kit at the recommended temperature and humidity level before using it. Careful handling is required for accuracy. Read all of the instructions and follow them carefully when collecting a sample. Mishandling the saliva swab or urine sample could result in a false positive or negative. If you’re collecting hair or a blood sample, prepare the skin or hair as directed for accurate lab testing results.

How Accurate Are At-Home Drug Test Kits?

The accuracy of home drug test kits can vary quite a bit. Some claim an accuracy rate as high as 99%, but this is only possible with perfect handling and conditions. Even professional lab tests have shown a false positive rate of around 5% to 10%, while false negatives have been reported at a rate of around 10% to 15%. You can expect a similar rate for most drug test kits you can order online. Still, this gives you a fairly high level of accuracy that can give you a good idea of what to expect if you’re undergoing professional drug testing.

The Top Three Drug Test Kits to Try

1. Easy@Home 5 Panel Instant Drug Test Kit

Not only does this kit provide results in as little as five minutes, it tests for five common substances:

  • Marijuana
  • Opiates
  • Cocaine
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Amphetamines

The kit even includes five sensitive tests. It’s one of the most affordable options, helping you get the results you need without spending too much.

2. Identify Diagnostics 12 Panel Drug Test Cup

Despite testing for 12 different substances, these easy-to-use test cups provide answers in just 5 minutes. There’s no need to ship them off to a lab for results. You can use these tests for methadone, ecstasy, barbiturates, buprenorphine, and other substances that you can’t always measure with other home tests.

3. Exploro Highly Sensitive THC Test Strips

Need to keep track of your THC levels to make sure they’re under a specific amount? Or are you planning to taper off your usage and get a clean urine test by a specific date? Pick up a 15-pack of these strips that pick up the smallest amounts of THC.

How to Order Your Drug Test Kits Online

Try to order the drug test kits you want directly from the manufacturer when you can. This will give you a set of tests with a recent manufacturing date, ensuring you have as many months as possible to use them. If you can find a great deal on the kits from a testing retailer, it’s likely worth trading a few months towards the expiration date.

Staying on top of your own results from drug testing can empower you to make the right choices and seek out positions that only test for specific substances. Choose reliable drug test kits that you can use over and over again to track how your system responds to different lifestyle choices.

Employee Drug Tests: What You Need to Know

Today’s state laws regarding medical and recreational marijuana use make it more complicated than ever for employers to issue employee drug tests. While you’re generally allowed to test employees for almost any substance you want, you can’t necessarily make hiring or firing decisions based on those results. It’s important to understand your state’s specific laws regarding employment drug testing and how those laws have changed recently. Stay on top of the changes even if you’re an employee by understanding your rights and how to prepare for drug testing.

2024 Changes to Drug Testing Laws

Numerous states have passed laws recently that change how employers can test their employees for drugs. For example, California Assembly Bill 2188 went into effect on January 1st. It limits an employer’s right to test their employee for cannabis metabolites that only indicate they’ve used THC in the last 30 days. Instead, they must use a more sensitive THC test that shows how recently cannabis was used. A similar bill was also passed in Washington, the Washington Senate Bill 5123.

However, these bills still don’t allow for the use of drugs on the job. Also, some positions that are considered high-risk can still use metabolite testing and establish a policy that precludes recreational marijuana use during an employee’s downtime. Those jobs are generally those in the construction field, transportation, and any positions requiring a federal background test. Urine and hair testing don’t show the active amount of THC in the bloodstream. Still, oral fluid (saliva) testing is widely available and permitted in 47 out of 50 states as a way to accurately measure active THC levels.

Are Employers Still Drug Testing for Marijuana?

Employers in some states where marijuana has recreational legal status have largely dropped marijuana drug testing. However, high-risk positions like medical professionals, truck and bus drivers, construction workers, and government jobs still tend to require marijuana testing. Before you assume that the legal status of this drug in your state means you’re free to use it in your spare time, it’s important to look up the local laws affecting you.

Check your employer’s written drug testing policy rather than relying on hearsay. Most states require employers to post a drug testing policy to help their workers understand their responsibilities and rights. If you can’t access an existing policy document, bring your questions to the Human Resources department for your employer. Don’t be afraid to ask if certain substances are included on the testing panel if you’re concerned about something specific.

What Other Substances Are Employers Testing For?

Even in states that have restricted marijuana drug testing, most employers still routinely and randomly test employees for substances like:

  • Cocaine
  • Opiates, including codeine
  • Phencyclidine (PCP)
  • Amphetamines of all kinds
  • Blood alcohol content.

Some employers in certain states may also test for prescription drugs and require you to prove you have a valid prescription for specific high-risk jobs.

Tracking Your Drug Testing Results

If you’re working in a position that requires routine drug testing, you may want to track your own results to know what to expect. You can achieve this by choosing reliable at-home drug tests and using them regularly, recording the results to maintain proof of your own health. You may not be able to purchase the exact employee drug test your employer uses, but you can choose a sensitive at-home product that still gives you accurate readings. This is especially important if you work a seasonal or temporary job and plan to taper off marijuana before returning to work.

Choosing At-Home Drug Tests

Not all products sold for at-home drug testing offer accurate results. If you rely on low-cost but inaccurate tests, you could end up assuming that you’ll pass an employee drug test when you’re likely to fail instead. To find a reputable at-home drug test, look for saliva tests since they’re the most widely used option for measuring THC levels. You’ll only need home urine tests if that’s the kind of drug testing your employer still relies on. While lab-certified results might give you a concrete answer about your status, they’ll come with quite a delay. The fastest results will come from home tests that require no further processing.

Top 5 Cannabis Stores

Depending on the state you live in, you may have cannabis stores around the block from your home or hundreds of miles away. Today’s cannabis businesses can take many forms, and you may not know what to expect if your state only recently legalized medical or recreational marijuana. Learning about the types of cannabis stores you can find will prepare you for your first visit. We also recommend starting with one of the top five cannabis stores in the county, whether you’re shopping online or in person.

What Are the Main Types of Cannabis Stores?

With 25 states allowing legal marijuana as of 2024, you’ll likely run into one of the following cannabis stores soon. Let’s dive in!


Dispensaries are some of the most common types of cannabis stores you’ll run into across the country. These stores primarily sell products for you to take home and consume. Each store will have a unique selection of products, but most will carry a wide range of THC formats like marijuana flower, concentrates, edibles, drinks, and the equipment for enjoying them.

Cannabis Cafes

If you’ve ever wanted to relax and listen to music while enjoying your favorite strain, you’ll need to look for a cannabis cafe or bar. These businesses are designed for you to consume the products on the premises. They’re less common than dispensaries and clubs, but it’s worth checking out where they are available.

Cannabis Clubs

These clubs are some of the oldest cannabis stores still operating today. They’re largely a relic of the period when only medical marijuana was available. These clubs distribute marijuana to their members only and often provide discounts or low prices thanks to cooperative ownership. Most are still only for medical marijuana, but some specialize in recreational marijuana.

Online Stores

For convenient access to these products, no matter where you’re located, you can turn to a wide range of online stores and delivery services. Some provide hemp-based THC products that are legal in all 50 states, while others only deliver to local addresses within the same state. Check out the shipping restrictions from each online cannabis store before assuming you can receive their products in your location.

The Top 5 Cannabis Stores

You’ll get a great experience and access a wide range of products by choosing any of these top 5 cannabis stores that can be found across the country.

1. Rise Dispensary

With stores primarily located in the Northeast, Rise has spread rapidly to include locations in California, Florida, Minnesota, and Virginia. They have over 50 locations and continue to open more thanks to the guidance of Green Thumb Industries. Not only will you find a wide assortment of recreational products available at these dispensaries, but you can also sign up for rewards and earn free gifts when you make repeat purchases.

2. Cookies

Cookies is one of the most well-known brands in the cannabis industry, and their flagship store in Los Angeles is a must-visit destination for true fans. They also have physical stores in 8 other states, including Florida, Nevada, Oregon, Oklahoma, and Colorado. If you can’t visit a Cookies brand store in person, you can also order many of their products online or find them sold by other retailers.

3. Find Wunder

As a convenient source for relaxing THC drinks that you can enjoy regardless of where you live, turn to Find Wunder. This online store ships carbonated alcohol-free drinks directly to your door. The products are all hemp-based, allowing you to enjoy the calming effects of a balanced blend of THC and CBD in all 50 states.


When it comes to patient-owned collective cannabis clubs that also offer cafe access, no other store beats SPARC. The only downside is that there’s only a single location in San Francisco. This five-story tall dispensary will pair you up with the perfect strain and then offer you free members-only access to high-end Volcano Vaporizer equipment. You’re welcome to sit and socialize as you enjoy your new favorite strain.

5. Truelieve

With over 100 dispensary locations open or about to open across the country, Truelieve is one of the largest chains in the growing cannabis industry. The stores are airy and welcoming, encouraging newcomers to ask any questions they might have without feeling intimidated. They have a wide range of branded products they provide great deals on, along with the top cannabis brands they sell.

You should feel a little better prepared to visit some of these great cannabis stores in person now that you’re familiar with the brands and retailer types. Whether you’re committed enough to become a club member or just want to drop by a dispensary, you can find plenty of options nearby with our interactive map of cannabis stores.

Weed Deals — Ultimate Guide to Finding Deals, Discounts and Savings

We want to make your enduring hunt for weed deals easier, so we’re giving you this complete guide to savings on that sweet cannabis.

From when to shop to what deals to look for to how to maximize savings, this guide covers all the ways you can save money when buying cannabis products.

When the Weed Deals Are the Hottest

These are the most common times for hot deals:

  • 4/20: Of course, dispensaries and other cannabis companies love to offer irresistible deals on 4/20 because, well, it’s our day!
  • Black Friday: Just like every other brand on earth, cannabis brands will also offer stellar discounts and promotions the day after Thanksgiving.
  • Cyber Monday: The same goes for Cyber Monday — like most companies, cannabis brands will give you online deals.
  • Green Wednesday: One of the newer Thanksgiving-centric shopping days is Green Wednesday, aka the day before Thanksgiving. Cannabis companies are discounting products so folks can stock up for Thanksgiving, and it’s become its own holiday.
  • Other Holidays: Also look for promotions around holidays like the Fourth of July, Labor Day, Memorial Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Valentine’s Day, and more.

The Best Types of Deals to Look For

When trying to save money, we recommend looking out for these kinds of deals.

Coupons and Promo Codes

This is one of the most obvious types of weed deals and also one of the best. Coupons and promo codes are a major way for cannabis brands to get customers in the door, so they’re often the ones throwing them at you (in a good way). Make sure you save every coupon they give you and take advantage of everyone you see, whether on their website, in a newsletter, or through social media channels. Many dispensaries and cannabis brands offer limited-time promotions or exclusive deals for new and returning customers.


Not everyone appreciates a good BOGO deal because it means you have to pay full price for one product. But hey, would you rather pay full price and get no freebies? We like the freebies, so we always jump at BOGO or BOGO half-off deals, and we suggest you do the same. After all, some BOGOs are as juicy as a free ounce of marijuana flower!

Free Delivery/Shipping

This is another deal people don’t always appreciate. However, the delivery cost of cannabis products can be seriously expensive. Free delivery or shipping can mean saving as much as $20-$30 on a single order. This is an especially enticing deal if you weren’t planning on ordering a ton of products.

Limited-Time Promotions

Limited-time promotions, like weekend sales, the aforementioned holiday sales, or grand opening promotions, can offer massive savings on cannabis products. Don’t miss out on one of these promotions because you don’t need to pick them up until next week or don’t usually go to that dispensary. Hop on these kinds of promotions whenever you see one, and you can rack up your savings.

Built-In Discounts

Last but certainly not least, don’t forget about the built-in discounts. Just because there isn’t a giant neon sign pointing at a product, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a discount right in front of you. Both in-store and online, make sure to look at listed prices to see if any have been slashed.

More Tips for Saving as Much as Possible

But wait, we have more ways to save! Here are some more tips for finding deals, discounts, and savings.

Shop Online and In-Store

If you only shop online, consider going to the dispensary next time. If you only buy at dispensaries, try shopping online. Some places offer the best discounts for in-person purchases, while other companies like to reward their online shoppers. By giving both a try, you can discover the best ways to save at various cannabis brands.

Join Email Lists

Do you know when you go to a website, they ask for your email? Or when the person ringing you up asks for your email? We know you probably don’t want to give it up, but it can help you save money. When you join those email lists, cannabis brands will often send you special coupons, discounts, and promotion alerts. These can even be curated for you and your purchasing habits.

Subscribe and Save

If you’re buying a product that you know you use regularly, why not subscribe and save? When you sign up for a recurring subscription, you can often save on every single order. For example, Find Wunder offers 10 to 15% off if you subscribe for regular deliveries. In most cases, you can cancel anytime, so there’s no real commitment.

Order in Bulk

We love a bulk order. At many dispensaries and other cannabis companies, the more you buy, the more you save. Instead of getting a quarter ounce of your favorite strain, get an ounce and pay 20% less per gram. Instead of buying four THC drinks, buy 12 and save more than 15%. You get the picture. If you know this is something you buy often, just stock up, and you’ll spend less.

Join Reward Programs

Loyalty pays off, so if you have a dispensary or cannabis brand you love, see if they have a rewards program or loyalty program. With these, you can often rack up points to be later used to make purchases. Frankly, you don’t even have to be very loyal to use these programs. You can sign up at ten different dispensaries and save money all around town.

Use Filters/Sort By

When you’re shopping online, check the “Sort By” and search filter options. Sometimes, you can sort products by discounts, deals, prices, promotions, and more. This will help you quickly find the very best savings and get exactly what you’re looking for.

Be Loyal to a Dispensary

This one isn’t an official way to save money, but sometimes it works. We mentioned joining the royalty programs, but some dispensaries or cannabis brands, especially smaller ones, may genuinely reward you for being a long-term, frequent customer. Be friendly with your budtender, and it might lead to serious savings!

Cannabis Brands With the Best Weed Deals

These are a few cannabis companies that offer amazing savings opportunities!

Find Wunder: As mentioned, Find Wunder loves to reward its customers. You take advantage of Subscribe and Save and/or join their points program!

Cookies: Cookies is one of the biggest cannabis brands around, and one of the reasons they’re so popular is they constantly offer coupons and run exciting weed deals.

Pax: Pax tends to have stellar holiday deals, so be sure to check their site whenever a major holiday or one of the stoner holidays rolls around.

Eaze: Eaze loves to offer customers free shipping, discounted shipping, and other deals when you order from their site.

Affordable Brands Worth Mentioning

These brands don’t necessarily have hot weed deals and discounts, but they are very affordable. If you’re looking for brands that won’t break the bank, these are great options:

  • Hyperwolf
  • St. Ide’s
  • Punch Edibles

There might not be promos and rewards, but the prices are so good you’ll feel like you’re getting a stellar dal, and you are!

Products You Can Frequently Save On

How much you save can also depend on what you buy. These products are the most frequently discounted items.


When it comes to deals, marijuana flower is the top product. Dispensaries constantly run promotions and offer hefty discounts on their flower product for many reasons. First of all, even when stored well, flower will lose its quality over time, so it’s important they sell their flower sooner rather than later. Second of all, flower is one of the most popular products and one of the most profitable. Offering discounts and deals on flower increases sales and profits. If you love shopping deals, flower should be your go-to.


You can also find excellent on dabs, distillates, wax, resin, and rosin. These products are all different, but we can also put them in the same category — concentrates. The products are all made from cannabis flower that has been cured and concentrated in some way. They can be consumed through vapes, dab rigs, and many, many other ways. Just like flower, these items go on sale a lot simply because they’re popular, so always try to get a discount when shopping for these.


Cannabis accessories also go on sale frequently. Many brands will offer free accessories with a product purchase. Score savings on vape batteries, pipes, bowls, bongs, flower jars, lighters, rolling papers, ashtrays, and more. We know these products don’t contain cannabis, but it’s still awesome to find top-notch discounts (or even freebies) on the accessories you need or want to enjoy your cannabis of choice.

Spend Less Green on the Green

We want you to get higher than a kite without dipping into your savings. With this guide, you can get the goods without spending your whole paycheck!

Take advantage of all the weed deals, discounts, and promotions you can get high without the high price.

Top 10 Celebrity Alcohol Brands

While releasing a specialty drink might have once been little more than a promotional gimmick, today’s celebrity alcohol brands are surprisingly serious. There are some high-quality options you can find at most liquor stores. If you don’t read the label carefully, you might not even know these brands come from celebrities better known for their skill at acting, music, or sports. Here are the top 10 celebrity alcohol brands you have to try.

1. Sweetens Cove Bourbon

There are three different cask-strength Tennessee bourbons available from this brand, and each one has surprising character and depth. Football star Peyton Manning teamed up with tennis superstar Andy Roddick to create a bourbon that’s perfect for sipping with a carefully form sphere of ice to keep it cool.

2. Casamigos Tequila

George Clooney might not be the first name you think of when you consider tequila. Yet Casamigos Tequila routinely tops best seller lists and recommendations from agave experts and connoisseurs. It’s made with only 100% Blue Weber Agave.

3. Teremana Tequila

Produced by hand in small batches, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Teremana Tequila is a complex and inviting liquor. It’s available in both Respado and Blanco variations. If you’re still not convinced, consider that it won gold at the San Francisco World Spirits competition.

4. Heaven’s Door Bourbon Whiskey

You probably know Bob Dylan better from his songs, but he’s put his name behind a solid bourbon as well. Heaven’s Door isn’t just named after one of his hits; it’s also a cask-aged Tennessee bourbon whiskey with a surprising amount of spice.

5. Aviation Gin

Most celebrities favor tequila or whiskey when they’re bringing a new product to the market. Ryan Reynolds broke out of that mold by putting his talent into a clean and crisp gin. Aviation is widely used for celebrity cocktail recipes, making it a doubly popular option for an Oscar watch party.

6. Crystal Head Vodka

It’s easy to dismiss Dan Aykroyd’s celebrity alcohol brand as a gimmick. The skull-shaped bottle certainly gives it a certain silliness that’s on brand for the writer, director, and actor. Yet Crystal Head Vodka is ultra-filtered and provides the smooth drinking experience you want from this kind of liquor.

7. Wild Turkey Longbranch Bourbon

Matthew McConaughey obviously doesn’t own the entire Wild Turkey brand. It has a long history as being one of the best-known Kentucky whiskeys. However, the Longbranch Bourbon special release was created with his help, and he’s the spokesperson for it. The bourbon is aged for eight years first, then filtered through mesquite charcoal from Texas to add a unique flavor and character. Matthew McConaughey also has his own fully-owned brand known as Pantalones Tequila.

8. SelvaRey Rum

Rum isn’t quite as easy to get right, so it’s not surprising that this is the only celebrity brand on the list in this category. But Bruno Mars went the extra mile with SelvaRey, creating a Panamanian Rum with hints of vanilla, fruit, and sugarcane. The chocolate variety is perfect for adding a depth of flavor to your favorite cocktails.

9. Dos Hombres Mezcal

It took two good friends to create Dos Hombres Mezcal, and Bryan Cranston & Aaron Paul were more than up to the challenge. The Breaking Bad co-stars put their heads together and crafted a pair of varietals that everyone can enjoy. It has won numerous awards in international spirits competitions, becoming a top-shelf variety in many bars.

10. Staple Gin

If you enjoy having a gin in the kitchen that you can use to cook with as often as you enjoy it in a drink, turn to Rachael Ray. She created Staple Gin to add a more complex option to the market. While it’s packed with the usual botanicals like juniper and bergamot, there is also a strong note of Castelvetrano olives. You won’t need any olives or juice to make a dirty martini with this gin.

It’s clear that you don’t have to dedicate your whole life to distilling just to make a great liquor. Celebrity alcohol brands can liven up your home bar while also adding a touch of stardom to every cocktail you pour for your friends.

Top Weed Brand Clothing for Stylish Stoners and Cannabis Enthusiasts

Cannabis is slowly but steadily becoming more popular and beloved than alcohol, so weed brand clothing is entering mainstream fashion.

With cannabis-themed clothes, you can express your love for our little green friend and your favorite brand and rock some stylish outfits. Wearing cannabis clothes lets people know you have that chill, easygoing vibe and is a subtle shoutout to all the other stoners out there!

With a wide range of options available, you’re sure to find weed brand clothing that fits your style. We’re here to help!

Most Popular Weed Brand Clothing Styles

Cannabis culture is making waves far beyond dispensaries—it’s seeping into fashion trends, turning heads, and sparking conversations with bold designs and laid-back vibes. From graphic tees that make a statement to cozy hoodies perfect for chilling, weed-brand clothing captures the essence of a lifestyle that blends creativity, relaxation, and rebellion. Discover what kinds of weed-brand clothing you can add to your closet and find the perfect mix of fashion and lifestyle expression.

Sweatshirts and Hoodies

When you’re nice and high, it’s natural to want to snuggle up and chill. Why not do it in weed brand hoodies and sweatshirts? Find fleece sweatshirts and roomy hoodies that provide top-notch comfort with cool cannabis-themed graphics.


Cannabis jackets are essential for those times you have to brace the cold to enjoy your joint or blunt or maybe a bowl. From bomber jackets to windbreakers, these can protect from the elements in style.

T-Shirts and Tops

T-shirts and similarly casual tops are easily the most popular types of weed brand clothing. Graphic tees, long-sleeved shirts, fitted tops, and similar styles are a closet staple for any stoner. And it’s easy to find T-shirts with your favorite weed brand’s logo and name on them!


Who doesn’t love a cute accessory? You can also find weed brand accessories. Get beanies, baseball caps, fitted caps, fuzzy socks, tote bags, fanny packs, bucket hats, and plenty of other accessories from brands you adore. Some brands have some seriously unique accessories, so make sure you explore their shops!

The Hottest Trends in Weed Brand Clothing

Cannabis-inspired fashion is on fire, blending edgy streetwear with artistic designs that celebrate the culture. From statement-making graphic prints to sustainably made pieces, these trends showcase a mix of style and social consciousness. Stay in the loop and discover the most current cannabis clothing trends taking over.

Minimalist Looks

Keep things simple with minimalist styles. These can simply be T-shirts that say “420” on the front or any style that keeps things refined with a black-and-white color scheme and basic fonts or images.

420 Time

Part of loving weed is loving 4:20, whether it’s AM or PM. Some of the coolest and cleverest shirts have graphics that show love for this time of day. You can find fashionable shirts and hoodies with clocks on them set to 4:20, or shirts that just say funny things like “Waiting for 4:20.”

Sassy Sayings

Speaking of funny shirts, nothing is better than clothing with a sense of humor. And weed brand clothing tends to be witty and hilarious. For example, we have a style that says “Blunt & Sarcastic” and depicts the silhouette of a woman hitting a blunt.

Trippy Hippie Designs

Those trippy, hippie, dippy designs will never go out of style in our book. Melting smiley faces, psychedelic patterns, and wavy prints capture the dazy vibe of stoners and look artistic and colorful.

Quirky Combos

One of the newest trends shows off the dual interests of many stoners. Find weed brand clothing that says things like “Cocktails & Cannabis” or “Caviar & Cannabis.” We’re multi-faceted individuals and want to express more than one of our interests with our clothing!

The Top Brands to Shop

If you’re looking to rock the best cannabis-inspired merch, these top weed brands have you covered. From stylish apparel to accessories that rep the culture, they bring quality and flair to every piece. Check out these standout names for your next wardrobe addition.


Cookies is one of the most recognizable and stylish weed brands out there. It offers a wealth of products, including T-shirts, hoodies, bags, hats, pants, shorts, balaclavas, and much more.

Viola Goods

Viola Goods is still expanding its merch line, but people love their comfortable and modern caps right now. These have various expressions and designs on them, making it easy to find the perfect one for your aesthetic.

Did You Know?: Viola Goods is owned by NBA players Al Harrington and Allen Iverson.

Flavor Fix

That’s right, you can get awesome weed brand clothing from yours truly. We have T-shirts, jackets, and more for you to explore. Certain items display our colorful logo proudly if you want to show us some love. But we also have styles that focus on the art or witty words.


Did You Know?: Curaleaf is the biggest cannabis company in the US!

Curaleaf sells high-quality merch that will become a staple in your closet. They have flannels, crewnecks, hoodies, V-neck shirts, hats, cropped tees, and more. The vast range of styles and options means you’ll definitely find something to love.

Did You Know?: NBA players Carmelo Anthony, Chris Webber, and Gary Payton also own cannabis companies.

Creating That Cannabis Connoisseur Look

Here are some ideas and tips for curating fashionable looks with these clothes and using what you already have in your closet to style the merch.

Casual and Comfy: Keep things laid back with oversized T-shirts, plush hoodies, soft beanies, and thick socks. With a pair of leggings or sweatpants and a perfectly messy hairstyle, you can nail that relaxed stoner vibe.

Classy and Collected: Weed brand clothing isn’t just for chilling. Wear a cannabis T-shirt under a nice flannel or a cropped cannabis tee with a mini skirt for a going-out look that feels trendy and effortless.

Cool and Charismatic: Don’t overthink it! Wear a cannabis brand sweater with your favorite ripped jeans, or pair them with timeless cargo pants. We love a cannabis tee with a denim jacket or unique hat.

The Perfect Gifts for Weed-Loving Pals

If these items aren’t for you, you can still get them for the weed lovers in your life. Weed brand clothing makes for sensational gifts, whether you get cozy socks for your bestie or a chic hoodie for your cousin.

From birthdays to Christmas to spontaneous surprises, gift the cannabis connoisseur in your life with these stoner-rific clothing products.

Add a Little Cannabis to Your Closet

People have shirts from their favorite breweries, distilleries, and wineries, so why not from weed brands too?

Embrace your love for cannabis and the stoner style with these products that embody a cannabis-friendly attitude.

Best Strains for Pain

With so many interesting varieties available from today’s best cannabis brands, it’s not always easy to pick the right one. Certain strains are well-known for providing pain relief. Yet each person has a different body chemistry and, therefore, may experience more or less of the same effects. Experimenting with the top strains for pain relief will help you figure out what works best for you, including the method of consumption.

Top 10 Best Strains for Pain Relief: Find Your Perfect Match

Before you dive straight into the top 10 strains for pain relief, brush up on your knowledge about using cannabis for pain in general.

Understanding Chronic Pain and Cannabis

Chronic pain is considered one of the conditions that may benefit from cannabis use. It has a long history of anecdotal evidence for its use, but only recently has scientific research begun to discover the real potential benefits.

How Cannabis Helps with Pain Relief

There is still only limited evidence showing that cannabis helps with chronic pain conditions, but what is available is promising. Some studies show positive benefits in people with conditions like:

Top 10 Cannabis Strains for Pain Relief

Dive right into the top 10 best cannabis strains for pain relief without delay.

1. White Cookies

Combining the popular White Widow with the pain-killing Girl Scout Cookies strain, White Cookies provides all the relaxation you need to deal with frustrating chronic pain symptoms. It’s great for ending a day when cramps or fatigue are setting in.

2. Loud Scout

If you need a strain for all-day pain relief that won’t leave you sleepy and couch-locked, grab some Loud Scout. It’s got the right combination of indica genetics for pain relief and sativa for energy. You’ll be pain-free and ready to tackle your to-do list after a few puffs.

3. Sour Diesel

Sour Diesel is one of the most widely smoked strains around the world. It’s also a great choice for dealing with intense pain from headaches, migraines, and muscle cramps.

4. Cannalope

Can’t deal with back pain or aching joints? Cannalope is known for its whole-body relaxation effects. Yet it’s mostly a sativa, so it’ll keep you awake and mentally stimulated at the same time.

5. Cherry Cookies

Not only is the Cherry Cookies strain sweet and tangy, but it’s also widely recommended for stomach pain and menstruation cramps. Others choose it for the appetite-stimulating effects it provides.

6. AC/DC

AC/DC sounds like the kind of strain you’d want to enjoy before a rock concert. Yet it’s the perfect medicinal strain for people dealing with cramping, swelling, inflammation, and pain. It’s high in THC but doesn’t cause as much dizziness as some other strains can.

7. Gelato #42/Larry Bird

There are many Gelato strains, but the #42 variety that’s also known as Larry Bird, is particularly helpful for chronic pain. The balanced mix of both types of genetics provides you with relaxing effects that won’t put you to bed early.

8. Flo Walker

Speaking of sleep, Flo Walker is the strain you want when it’s late at night, and pain keeps you awake. The deep muscle relaxation triggers pain relief and puts you in the perfect mood to drift off with ease.

9. Alien OG

Need a top-notch strain that’s got the THC content for severe pain? Choose the heavy-hitting Alien OG. It can be overwhelming for beginners but has the soothing and appetite-stimulating effects you need when you’re seriously ill.

10. Jack Herer

One of the original medical marijuana strains is known as Jack Herer, named after an important advocate in California. It’s still popular today for dealing with chronic pain issues.

Using Medical Marijuana for Pain Relief

With so many different products available from the best cannabis brands, you still need to narrow down a method of consumption after choosing a strain. Using cannabis for pain relief means choosing the right method based on your needs and tolerances.

Smoking and Vaping

Smoking flower and vaping concentrates offer the fastest effects as your lungs absorb the THC and other compounds directly into your bloodstream. However, they can irritate the respiratory system and won’t work for everyone.


Edibles provide effects that can last for hours. That makes them a great choice for taking before sleep so the pain relief doesn’t wear out and leave you waking up in the middle of the night. The only downside is that gummies and other edibles take anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to start kicking in.


Tinctures involve THC extracted in alcohol or a similar base liquid. You can take drops directly or add them to food or drink. The tincture kicks in quickly, but most people find the taste quite overwhelming.

Topical Products

Topical cannabis products help you target localized pain without the other psychoactive effects of weed. You just rub these lotions or salves directly onto the area that hurts.


Most capsules kick in as slowly as other edibles, but some are designed for more rapid absorption. They’re discreet, with no scent to notice.

Cannabis Drinks

Drinks like Find Wunder combine THC and CBD for pain relief and relaxation without the smell of smoke. They’re great for embracing an alcohol-free lifestyle.

Tips for Effective Use

  • For chronic pain and sleep, start using THC about one hour before bed.
  • Start with a small dose, like 5 to 10 milligrams for example, before adjusting it to suit your pain levels and tolerance.
  • Keep track of the strains you try and the effects so you can find your own best weed strain for pain.

Safety and Precautions

  • Talk to your doctor who’s managing your pain treatment before adding THC. It can interact with other medications you’re taking for pain.
  • Keep all cannabis products out of the reach of children and pets, even if they’re intended for medical use.


What strains help with chronic pain and anxiety?

Strains like White Cookies, AC/DC, Flo Walker, and Jack Herer are all recommended for pain and the anxiety they produce.

What is the best pain relief for a strain?

Each strain targets a different type of pain, so try to target the strain to the actual chronic pain condition you’re experiencing.

Is sativa or indica better for sore muscles?

Most people feel more muscle-relaxing effects from indica strains.

What is the best strain for medical use?

Strains like Romulan, Cannalope, and Sour Diesel are all widely recommended for medical use.

What is the painkiller strain of weed?

There’s a strain specifically called Painkiller that works quite well for chronic pain. However, some people find it too stimulating to encourage sleep.

What common weed is used for pain?

Some of the most common strains widely used for pain include Kush OG, White Widow, and Sour Diesel.

What strain of weed is best for joints?

Joint pain is no fun, but Alien OG, AC/DC, and Digweed are all good options for treating it.

Are weed or opioids better for pain?

When you consider the risks and side effects, weed is a much better choice than opioids for treating pain.

What is the best strain of weed for pain?

It’s all a matter of personal choice. You’ll need to personally experience a few strains to narrow down your options.


Now, you’re ready to start your quest for the perfect strain for chronic pain from the best cannabis brands. Check out all of the strains we cover here at Flavor Fix to get a good of what to expect from each of them.

12 of the Best Cannabis Brands for Every Kind of Stoner

It’s hard to know the best cannabis brands when there are endless companies in the industry. We’ve rounded up 12 of the best cannabis brands in various categories, from affordable options to high-end brands to the newest kids on the block.

Discover which brands are innovating, flourishing, and dominating.

Understanding the Cannabis Industry

The cannabis industry is booming as people turn more toward cannabis and away from other substances like alcohol. The industry constitutes both marijuana and hemp products, from lotions to marijuana flower to CBD tinctures to edibles to vapes and more.

In 2024, the cannabis industry is valued at almost $43 billion and is expected to grow annually by about 3%. Millions of people use cannabis across all generations and countless demographics.

Because this industry is booming, more and more cannabis brands are popping up, giving users endless options. These days, there are tens of thousands of brands out there. And we’re going to talk about some of the best cannabis brands.

Where Are the Best Cannabis Brands Based?

The best cannabis brands are based in a variety of locations, including parts of Canada, California, Colorado, Maryland, Washington, and Michigan. Try Canadian brands like Aurora Cannabis or Tilray Brands Inc. Other options may include some West Coast vibes from Cali brands like Alien Labs and Cannabiotix.

While places like Cali and Colorado once dominated the industry, and still do for the most part, the best cannabis brands can be based almost anywhere these days.

The Biggest Brands

First, let’s talk about the top brands in the industry. These are the biggest players in the game, with a wealth of products, locations, services, and more. From wholesome identities to trendy vibes, each one has a unique approach to selling cannabis. If you want to buy stock in a cannabis brand, these are the ones we recommend.


Curaleaf is the biggest cannabis brand around. One might say it’s the top dog in the industry. In 2020, it purchased Grassroots, one of its biggest competitors, cementing it as the largest brand in the industry. The company continues to grow and thrive year after year. You can find a Curaleaf dispensary in basically every state where recreational weed is legal.


Cookies started out as a brand with a popular marijuana strain but has evolved to become so much more. Now, Cookies is practically a lifestyle. It brings in aspects of fashion, sports, music, and more, appealing to a wide variety of cannabis users. The brand might seem overhyped, but with the vast selection of products, quality goods, and impeccable vibes, plenty of stoners are devout Cookies consumers. Cookies also sells stylish clothes and accessories!

Green Thumb Industries

It seems that no matter how the cannabis industry is doing, Green Thumb Industries flourishes. The brand’s revenue increases every year, and it has become one of the biggest cannabis companies in the industry. It’s all about promoting well-being and charity, so many people love the brand’s mission and identity. It’s a company people can feel good about buying from.


If you’re interested in emerging cannabis brands, these are some of the most exciting up-and-comers. The industry is competitive, so it’s not easy for brands just to get in the game. However, these brands have made a name for themselves and found success in this well-saturated market.

Find Wunder

Find Wunder is a cannabis beverage company making 5mg and 10mg THC seltzers. They also make THC gummies. With delicious flavors, high doses, and fu branding, it’s easy to see why this company is getting more and more popular. They also use hemp-derived compounds, meaning these are more widely available across the country.


Eaze is a weed delivery company, so it doesn’t produce cannabis products but is brilliantly taking advantage of the demand for them. It delivers products like flower, pre-rolls, vapes, edibles, concentrates, wellness products, tinctures, capsules, and accessories. The brand only operates in California and Michigan right now, but will likely expand its operation soon.

LeafLink is a software company helping cannabis businesses thrive. Over 12,000 companies use LeafLink, and the software is available in 30 markets right now. LeafLink helps brands and companies with communications, online ordering, online platforms, and much more. It’s bringing the latest tech innovations into the industry to keep it current.

High-End Companies

These are some of the top premium cannabis brands to consider if you love that sticky green goodness or potent edibles. If you love to buy fancy products, treat yourself to high-end goodies, and buy the best of the best, these are the best cannabis brands for you to try.


Sweetgrass is like the Whole Foods of the industry. It is a micro-cultivator and processor of certified organic cannabis. The brand is based in the Kootenay region of British Columbia. This is some truly high-end, fancy flower, perfect for people who are picky about their marijuana. Like small-batch whiskey or microbrewed beers, this cannabis is crafted with care and attention.

Willie’s Reserve

In case you’re not familiar, Willie’s Reserve was started and is owned by none other than Willie Nelson, a stoner legend. The celebrity brand embodies Willie’s laidback and no-nonsense attitude that has always attracted weed lovers. It sells premium flowers, plenty of pre-rolls, gummies, distillates, and more.

Kiva Confections

Kiva Confections is all about fancy-pants edibles. They make six kinds of exceptional edibles with dreamy flavors like Wild Berry, Sparkling Pear, and Watermelon Lemonade. These THC gummies are the good stuff, offering a delightful high and outstanding flavor. While the brand’s product selection is small right now, people are obsessed with these gummies, and the company is expected to grow substantially.

Affordable Options

For those of you who love a good deal or discount (like us), we have some recommendations for affordable cannabis brands. These are the top value-orientated cannabis brands. They want to get you as high as possible for as little money as possible, and that’s a mission we can get on board with!


Hyperwolf is another delivery brand. It’s known for its excellent prices, amazing discounts, and consistent deals. The brand sells its own products as well as products from other cannabis brands, like Tre House, Ghost, and Pressure. Get everything from THCa flower, hemp vapes, concentrates, edibles, and more almost anywhere in the country. If you live in SoCal, you can order stronger products too.

Punch Edibles

Edibles can be expensive unless you make them at home, which can be tricky. Punch Edibles offers potent, delicious edibles at cost-effective prices, so you get a lot of bang for your buck. These are 100mg chocolate bars that pack a major punch (hence the name). A few pieces and you’ll be flying sky-high, and your wallet won’t be empty.

St. Ide’s

St. Ide’s is a cannabis drink company that is still very small, but like Punch, they give you a strong high for very little money. The iced teas can have anywhere between 10mg and 100mg of THC, so just a few sips will have you beyond baked, which is always our goal. Sadly, these are not widely available yet, but we hope to see them everywhere soon!

Choosing the Best Cannabis Brand

We know the options can be daunting, so we also have some tips to help you choose the best cannabis brand for your needs and wants.

Awards and Recognition

When browsing cannabis brands, it can be useful to consider which ones have received awards and recognition. Awards can come from various organizations, such as the EMJAYS, The Clear™, and Women’s Canna Awards.

Innovation and Expansion

We love innovative brands that continue to grow! Brands like Find Wunder, LeafLink, and Punch are changing the industry. You can be at the forefront of trends with them when you shop for their products or services.

Community Involvement

As mentioned, brands like Green Thumb Industries put community involvement and charitable actions at the top of their priorities. These kinds of missions might resonate with you, so look for brands you can feel good about buying from.

Education and Resources

Along with awards and recognition, you can also consider a brand’s emphasis on education and the resources it uses. For example, some of the best cannabis brands pour a lot into scientific research or use advanced equipment to produce products.

You’re in the Know Now

Alright, those are the best cannabis brands around right now! From edible companies to delivery services to premium flowers, these companies are at the top of the cannabis world.

Now that you know about the best companies, you can enjoy the best the industry offers. Cheers!

All About Weed Strains

Have you ever wondered exactly what weed strains really are? It’s not a dumb question, and we’re ready to help you learn.


  • There are likely thousands of named strains available around the world today, but there are definitely more than 700
  • Some top potent strains can provide 30% or more THC by weight
  • Finding the right strain could help you relieve pain, sleep better at night, and deal with nausea
  • There has been extensive research into the benefits of popular cannabis strains.

What Is a Weed Strain?

weed strains

The whole concept of cannabis strains is similar to the varieties available of other common gardening plants. The marijuana plant can come in one of three subspecies, and varieties further arise in each of those categories. Think of it as the varieties of tulips or roses that come in different colors and bloom styles while still sharing many other characteristics. Much like roses, these cannabis strains are bred with specific effects, colors, scents, and flavors in mind.

You’ll see most strains listed as either sativa dominant, Indica dominant, or a balanced hybrid. Don’t worry — you’ll learn what that means soon. Aside from that information, you’ll want to check the average THC percentage and any specific characteristics listed about the effects to know what to expect. First, let’s check out some of our most popular cannabis strains.

The Flavor Fix community rated these weed strains as the best.

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Check out Other Cannabis Strains

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How Are Cannabis Strains Grown?

Each of the best strains requires a different set of certain conditions to flourish. Some grow best in dry climates, while others require copious amounts of water. The various subspecies of cannabis grow to different heights, respond best to unique fertilization routines, and can be pruned in varying ways. It’s easy to find strain-specific cultivation information from the seed banks that supply growers around the world. Popular methods for growing today’s top weed strains include:

weed farmer holding a plant
  • Hydroponics and aeroponics: Water or mist delivers the necessary nutrients to the roots without soil.
  • Indoor container growing: Include intensive methods like Sea of Green, which calls for distinctive pruning.
  • Outdoor growing: Takes advantage of abundant sunlight and rain but requires a long window of growth before harvest.

What Materials Do You Need to Grow a Weed Strain?

No matter which option you consider your perfect strain, there are a few basic pieces of equipment you need for growing marijuana:

Weed plant with hand under a light
  • Bags, pots, or other containers for holding the soil-free potting mix.
  • Soil-free potting mix that is sterilized and properly fertilized.
  • Liquid or granular fertilizer to feed the cannabis plants as they grow.
  • Plenty of water, preferably without a lot of minerals, to interfere with fertilizer uptake at the roots.
  • Extensive lighting to promote growth and trigger flowering.
  • Ventilation and humidity control to prevent mold and pest issues.

Growing outdoors eliminates the need for most of these tools for certain strains, but you’ll still need pruning equipment and fertilizer.

Which Weed Strain Is the Best?

There is no one strain that anyone can declare as best. Each year, there are strains that win awards, but it’s largely a matter of personal choice. You might decide that the energizing effects of a sativa strain like Amnesia Haze make it your favorite one day, and you might need the pain relief that indica plants provide the next. It’s all up to you!

What Are the Three Main Types of Weed?

Aside from the thousands of strains out there, you’ll find weed categorized as one of three main subspecies. Hybrids are a combination of multiple types of weed, not just multiple strains.

1. Cannabis Sativa

Considered energizing and stimulating, Sativa strains tend to grow tall and lanky with thinner fingers to their leaves. Check out all Sativa Strains.

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2. Cannabis Indica

Most report relaxing and calming effects from Indica strains. The plants are shorter and have wider fingers on their fan leaves. Check out all Indica Strains.

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3. Cannabis Ruderalis

Ruderalis plants are the shortest of all, and pure varieties tend to produce low-THC flowers. They’re often used in hybrid mixes to add hardiness and to keep plants shorter and easier to manage.

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Which Is Better: Indica, Hybrid or Sativa?

Choosing between your three main options for cannabis types depends largely on the effects you want. Whether you’re indulging for medicinal or recreational purposes, hybrid strains tend to offer the best of both worlds. A strain with a moderate THC level and a hybrid background will provide you with the best first experience as a newcomer to marijuana. If you’re more experienced, you’ll likely find yourself using sativa strains when you need a boost of focus and energy and indica varieties when it’s time to unwind.

How Do They Cross Weed Strains and Create Hybrids?

Creating new strains is the same process as creating a hybrid, but they produce slightly different results. If you combine two sativa strains or two indica strains, you’ll have many of the same effects in the new strain. When a sativa and an indica are combined into one cannabis plant, you get a hybrid.

No matter what kind of strain you’re making, it’s as simple as taking the pollen from a male plant and applying it to the mature flowers on a female plant. All other pollen must be excluded, which is usually easy for indoor growers to manage.

What Is the Strongest Weed?

There are many high-potency cannabis strain options available today. Each bud will vary slightly due to growing conditions and handling, so it’s not always easy to directly compare the THC content of different strains. Some experienced medical cannabis users also say that high THC strains are a good start but that terpene profiles also play a role in how strong the effects feel. Weed strains that top the charts for THC content include:

  • Jenny Kush with 30%+ THC
  • Alien Mints with 28% to 30% THC
  • GMO Cookies with up to 28% THC
  • Dulce with up to 30% THC
  • Marshmellow OG with 28% THC.

How Many Strains of Weed Are There?

Once you’ve sampled a particular strain or two, you might start wondering just how much variety there is out there. The cannabis industry has been busy since the wave of legalization across the U.S., leading to many new variations on old standbys like Sour Diesel and Pineapple Express. The National Institute of Health estimated there were more than 700 named strains as of 2015, and now that nearly a decade has passed, there may be five to ten times as many.

A female hand holds a cannabis leaf on a background of the USA map. Marijuana legalization concept.

What Are the Top Five Countries That Produce Marijuana Strains?

1. The Netherlands

Thanks to the long-term legalization of cannabis use and breeding, Dutch companies have long had a monopoly on the genetics of some of the best strains in the world. Only recently have U.S. breeders caught up to their production amounts.

2. The United States

The first U.S. strains largely focused on medicinal properties, but today’s American strains are just as likely to be recreational.

3. Canada

Many seeds come from Canadian breeders who took advantage of the country’s early legalization of medical marijuana. Popular Canadian strains include Mountain Jam and BC Big Bud.

4. South Africa

Even though marijuana only became legal in South Africa in 2018, it has a long history of producing great strains that became popular around the world.

5. Australia

Heading down under may help you discover a great new marijuana strain like Mullumbimby Madness or Australian Blue.

What Are Some of the Top Weed Strain Brands?

Some companies simply produce marijuana from genetics owned by breeders. Other brands develop their own unique genetics, making them weed strain brands. Cookies is a brand that is responsible for many popular weed strains known for their high potency and fun flavors. Sherbinskis is another company that commonly pairs with popular celebrities to create new strains packed with THC and other cannabinoids.

What Can You Make Out of Marijuana Strains?

Depending on the strain of recreational or medicinal cannabis you choose, you have a lot of options for getting creative. Many strains offer a flavor profile that perfectly fits edibles like gummies, brownies, and savory snacks. If you’re experiencing chronic pain, mixing a few different cannabis strains together and making a concentrate like hash or budder could help solve your problems. Or perhaps you’d like to try creating your own tinctures so that you only need a few drops to unwind at the end of the day.

How Are Weed Strains Used?

Aside from homemade edibles or commercially made tinctures, many marijuana strains are smoked, vaporized, or turned into concentrates. It’s common for many high-THC strains to get recommended for issues like chronic fatigue, chronic pain, nausea, insomnia, stress, and lack of appetite. If you need a strain for stomach issues, there’s likely a good indica sativa combination at your local dispensary. Ask for recommendations on indica sativa and hybrid strains based on the combination of effects you need.

What’s the Difference Between THC From the Hemp and Cannabis Plant?

In general, hemp and cannabis are genetically identical. The difference largely comes from the THC content of each plant. Cannabis contains a higher concentration of the compound responsible for the desired psychoactive effects, while hemp is relatively low in THC. Some companies extract the THC from hemp and concentrate it to create more potent effects. For recreational and medicinal purposes alike, it’s best to stick to cannabis.

What Are the Different Effects of Weed Strains?

While the most popular strains were designed to treat one medical condition or another, today’s strains are more general-purpose. You’ll find strains that are targeted to promote relaxation, including relief from cramped or tight muscles. Some varieties help reduce fatigue, while others have sedative effects that send you off to sleep. While marijuana has a reputation for slowing you down, there are even strains with a pronounced mood-lifting and energizing effect. In general, Indica strains tend to offer more relaxation, and sativa strains boost your energy.

What Are the Different Terpene Flavors That Strains Have?

Terpenes are the subject of much cannabinoid research still. Cannabis terpenes are volatile organic compounds that give the buds their distinctive odors and flavors. Each strain of medical marijuana includes a slightly different combination of terpenes like limonene, pinene, and myrcene. Without terpenes, you can’t get berry, skunky, or herbal flavors from the cannabis.

How Do I Pick the Right Strain for Me?

If you’re looking to treat specific medical conditions with cannabis, start with professional medical advice. For those on the recreational track, try picking up one or two strains from a local dispensary to start with. Using a vaporizer for dry herbs can help you get the most out of the flavor and effects while reducing the side effects that can arise from smoking.

What Are the Negative Side Strain Effects?

Speaking of side effects, there are a few potential negative effects that can come from regular medicinal or recreational purposes. Many common strains have the potential to cause:

  • Headaches
  • Paranoia or anxiety
  • Excitability
  • Dry mouth
  • Hunger

Of course, appetite stimulation might be a positive for you. It’s fairly easy to find at least one strain that causes little to no negative side effects, but you might have to try a few varieties first.

What Are Some Important Research Studies on Strains and the Findings?

There’s no need to read in-depth investigations of cannabis systematics and taxonomy discussions just to brush up on the scientific evidence that cannabis can help with stress relief and reduce pain. Recent studies have shown support for the claims that THC may reduce pain, control inflammation from conditions like arthritis, and treat nausea caused by chemotherapy. Other studies still in progress are exploring its value in treating everything from depression to diabetes.


You should have a much better idea of what cannabis strains really are (and aren’t). It’s up to you to keep track of your favorite strain names, which makes it easy to find new varieties you might want to try by looking up related genetics. Cannabis remains illegal under federal law, but with almost half of all states legalizing it, you can expect to see many new strains emerging over the next few years thanks to the hard work of plant breeders.