Andres is a restaurateur in the original sense of the word; he is always on the search for foods that restore the body and soul. His goal with every restaurant, pop-up, or recipe is to have people feel better walking out of the experience than they did walking in.
He started writing for the Flavor Fix team in 2021, creating bud-infused recipes and writing articles about the benefits of CBD. He is currently based in Mallorca, Spain working as a recipe developer, making natural wine and herbal distillations.
He opened and ran Café Esencia in Ridgewood NYC from 2016 to 2020, a Spanish Café specialized in sourdough churros and Mediterranean brunches. He sold his business in February 2020 and went to Mallorca for a vacation from which he hasn’t returned.

What does Cross Faded mean to you?
I see being cross faded as finding balance between two things that I love, wine and marijuana. It is a celebration with responsibility. They are both substances that can easily be abused, but when you find that sweet spot, you create an enjoyable, memorable experience.
Why is food so important to you?
Food is all about sharing, creatings memories, and bringing people together. My first memories were tied to food: slurping on sea urchin at my grandfather’s house, the powerful flavor of a fresh coconut at school, watching my mother cook in the kitchen, and the eternal summers at my grandparents house in southern Spain.
These memories of flavors and aromas are intertwined with social experiences. Food is a powerful connector: it is one of the things that we have in common with every single person on this earth, everybody loves to eat. I’m reminded of the importance of food every year at the Thanksgiving dinner that my mother hosts. Friends and family from all walks of life come together to break bread, to share and give thanks.

Why do you work with Marijuana in your recipes?
When I left home for college I developed severe allergies and food sensitivities. It became a chronic condition and when doctors couldn’t help, I turned to the healing power of food. I started using cold pressed hemp oil as well as hemp seeds as part of my diet, which is how I discovered the healing properties of the cannabis plant.
The recipes I develop are whole plant recipes. I use the flower bud and work with all the components : terpenes, cannabinoids, and natural flavors, not just the isolated CBD or THC extracts. Some people call the benefit of combining all these components the entourage effect; to me, it just makes sense to work with whole foods.
What do you do when you’re not writing?
I have a huge passion for drinking wine, growing grapes, helping friends harvest, and making the wine. I see the process as a complete journey. The transformation begins with a seed that grows into a plant that grows through the seasons to eventually bear fruit that will be fermented into a drink which is greater than the sum of its parts; it’s something magical.
I think the alchemy of wine also translates well to the cannabis plant. The way it’s grown defines its expressions. The varieties of indica and sativa are like different grape varieties that can be bred and mixed to create new strains with unique flavors and aromas.
I’m also interested in learning more about CBD wines that are being created for the ultimate cross-faded experience!

Let’s Stay Connected
You can find my work at www.themercurialcity.com and on instagram on @themercurialcity and @vinos.baleares. I’m always excited to meet new people and connect so feel free to reach out with any requests, questions, or comments.