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When you’re hanging out with your friends, especially at parties, drinking and smoking weed are often among the most fun ways to socialize. But drinking and smoking on their own can get a little boring over time. Luckily, drinking and smoking games can inject parties with fun and excitement, ensuring there is never a dull moment and helping you loosen up along the way. Before you attend or host your next party, check out some of these fun drinking and weed games.
Popular Drinking Games
Drinking at parties and with friends is fun, but playing drinking games takes your party to the next level. Try these popular games for drinking at your next party to change up your usual drinking routine.
Beer Pong
Beer pong is one of the most widely played drinking games because it’s easy to keep the materials you need to play on hand. All you need to play is a flat table, large plastic cups, a ping pong ball, and beer. Players split into two teams and each team has anywhere between 6 and 10 cups on their side of the table. Teams take turns trying to toss ping pong balls into the opposing team’s cups. If one team lands its ball in a cup, the opposing team has to drink the contents of that cup and the cup is removed from the table. The first team to wipe out all of the other team’s cups wins the game.
Flip Cup
Another drinking game that uses plastic cups, flip cup is a game in which players divided into two teams must drink a plastic cup full of beer, then flip the cup so that it ends up face-down on the table. In the event that the cup falls off the table, any player can pick it up and put it back. The team that empties all of its cups and flips them face-down first is the winner.
Quarters is a well-known drinking game in which players attempt to land a quarter in a shot glass, first bouncing it off a table. The trick is to get the quarter to land in the glass without it bouncing off the table more than once. Players take turns shooting into the shot glass, and if a player successfully lands a quarter in the shot glass, they choose any player to take a drink of their own beverage. A player’s turn only ends when they miss the shot the glass. If a player chooses not to drink any more alcohol, they can opt to leave the game, and the last player standing is the winner.
Fun Weed Games
Even if you’ve played drinking games, you might not have ever heard of or played weed games. Weed games are games for smoking weed, or fun games to play when you’re high. If you’re enjoying smoking weed with your friends, add a weed game to the mix for a little added fun.
Bong Pong
If you’ve ever played beer pong, then you are already familiar with the general idea of bong pong. Bong pong adheres to the same rules as beer pong, except instead of filling solo cups with beer, use water. You play the game the same way you normally would, but instead of taking shots or drinking beer each time your opponent gets their ball in a cup, take a hit from your bong or pipe. If you’re at a party where everyone is playing beer pong but drinking isn’t for you, take hits instead of drinking– you can still play without feeling left out!
Ash Bomber
Ash Bomber is another weed game that follows similar rules as beer pong, but doesn’t use cups or a ping pong ball. Instead, all you need to play is a bong and ashes. Gameplay consists of players on two teams taking turns trying to drop an “ash bomb” into the bong by flicking ashes from their joints into the bowl. If one team’s ashes land into the bowl, players from the other team take hits.
Last Letter First
Last Letter First is a word game that is perfect for playing online or via an app when you’re high. The game starts with a player saying a word, and the next player has to say a word that begins with the last letter of the previous word. This goes on in a chain, and the game can be surprisingly challenging and hilarious, especially when the players are feeling the effects of the weed. It’s a fun way to keep everyone engaged and thinking creatively, even while relaxing and enjoying the buzz.
Stoner’s Jenga
To play Stoner’s Jenga all you need is some weed, friends, and a regular Jenga game. The rules are very simple, but can make gameplay so much more exciting. Each player takes a hit before pulling a block, and then sits back to wait for their next turn. With each round, the tower gets less stable and hilarity ensues.
Safety and Responsible Gaming
Any time you are drinking or smoking weed it is important to exercise good judgment in order to keep yourself, your loved ones, and those around you safe.
Tips for Staying Safe
When playing drinking and weed games, consider these key safety tips:
- Don’t drive after drinking or smoking. If you need to leave the location of the party, get a ride from a sober friend or use a rideshare app to get home.
- Only play drinking and weed games with people you know and trust.
- Only play drinking and weed games with players who are of legal age to participate.
- Never leave your drink unattended.
- Drink water to ensure you stay hydrated.
Recognizing Limits
Everyone has different limits when it comes to drinking and smoking weed. Be sure to pace yourself, keeping your own personal limits in mind. Don’t feel like you need to keep up with your friends to have a good time. Be sure to check the alcohol content on any drinks you are consuming, as some alcoholic beverages contain more alcohol than others.
In Summary
Playing drinking and weed games is a great way to sprinkle your next gathering or party with an extra dose of fun. Drinking and weed games help break the ice and allow people to kick back and relax while engaging with others. Try out one of these fun games at your next party!