Hemp oil has been a godsend for many humans, but pet owners are starting to realize that it might be helpful for dogs as well. Some studies and plenty of anecdotal evidence show that a number of issues may be alleviated with a daily dose of hemp oil.
This guide discusses hemp oil for dogs and how it could benefit your fur baby.
What is Hemp Oil?
All hemp oil is derived from the hemp plant. This cannabis plant also contains high levels of cannabidiol or CBD. Unlike CBD oil for pain, which can be derived from hemp and non-hemp sources, pet hemp oil must come from the hemp plant by extracting a liquid via techniques like CO2 extraction.
More than 120 cannabinoids exist within the hemp plant, including tetrahydrocannabinol, which is where the psychoactive properties of marijuana originate. While this may set alarm bells ringing if considering full spectrum hemp oil, there’s just 0.3% THC in hemp products.
Hemp, by law, cannot contain more than 0.3% THC.
Of course, when considering CBD dosing for dogs, you should consult your veterinarian to learn about the best dosage of dog hemp oil.
Is Hemp Oil Safe for Your Dog?
Hemp oil from the hemp plant is safe for your dog when used appropriately. Many owners already use hemp oil for dogs and CBD oil to help their pets manage different conditions, including anxiety, inflammation, and even seizures.
This is why the global CBD pet market size reached $200 million in 2022. Today, you can find CBD dog treats and many other CBD products.
Hemp Oil Dog Health Benefits
Now that you know enough about the hemp plant and CBD oil, what are the health benefits of dogs’ hemp oil?
While research remains ongoing for dogs’ hemp seed oil, the health benefits are clear, and this is why so many American pet owners use pet hemp oil for their furry friends. So, here are the benefits of hemp oil for dogs:
· Supports the immune system.
· Hemp oil for dogs can improve dog coat health and your dog’s skin.
· Adding hemp seed oil can reduce inflammation.
· Get more omega fatty acids into your dog’s food, including linoleic acid and gamma-linolenic acid.
· May improve gut health.
· It may reduce blood pressure.
· Hemp oil can also bolster joint health and joint support in senior dogs.
· The best hemp oil may reduce inflammation.
· Some studies reveal that hemp oil may reduce aggression in dogs.
In short, including hemp in your dog’s food can improve their quality of life and may ultimately contribute to your dog living longer.
Side Effects of Giving Your Dog Hemp Oil
Should pet owners be concerned about the side effects of hemp oil for dogs? According to the latest research, hemp oil for dogs has no severe side effects, meaning you can be comfortable giving it to your dog in the appropriate doses with your veteranarian’s approval.
However, visit your veterinarian before giving them any hemp oil. Hemp oil for dogs can have side effects like drowsiness, dry mouth, and diarrhea if the CBD dosage is too high.
Daily Dosage of Hemp Oil for Dogs
How much broad-spectrum hemp oil should you give to your dog?
As always, visit your veterinarian to learn more about giving hemp or CBD products to your pet. Oil for dogs can help, but it still has side effects if you get the dosage wrong.
Generally, the basic rule of thumb for hemp seed oil for dogs is 1-5 mg per ten pounds of body weight.
The Best Hemp Oils For Dogs on the Market
Our research has found that Lolahemp offers the best hemp oil for pets. Their reviews are excellent, the results we’ve seen from their customers are superb, and they offer third-party lab testing to ensure the quality of their product.
Hemp Oil for Dogs: FAQs
Do Vets Recommend Hemp Oil for Dogs?
Vets in some areas are unable to recommend hemp oil for dogs because of regional legislation. That said, you should bring up the idea of hemp oil for your pet and see what your veterinarian says. There are a lot of dogs benefiting from these products, and your veterinarian could be on board.
Further, your veterinarian can help decide if your dog is on any medications that might interact with CBD.
Should Dogs Have Hemp Oil?
Yes, hemp oils are perfectly safe for healthy dogs without any medications that could cause negative interactions.
Why Do Dogs Need Hemp Oil?
Dogs don’t need hemp oil, but some dogs with issues like joint stiffness or emotional distress can benefit greatly from its use. It doesn’t work on every dog, but there are tens of thousands of dogs who are currently getting long a lot easier thanks to the use of hemp oil with CBD.
Is Hemp Seed Oil Good for Dogs?
Hemp seed oil is not the same thing as hemp oil. Hemp oil uses the mature plant’s buds to extract the active ingredients. Hemp seed oil is created only from the seeds and doesn’t have the same effects.
If you’re interested in hemp seed oil for your dog, you should talk with your veterinarian. The fatty acids in hemp seed oil could be helpful for your dog’s blood pressure and general heart health, but it won’t necessarily provide any of the same benefits that hemp oil would.
How Much Hemp Seed Oil Should I Give My Dog?
It’s important to talk with your veterinarian and delivery only the dosages listed on the product that you buy. All hemp seed oil products can be a little different, so there is no one-size-fits-all answer.
Should I Give My Dog Hemp Oil Every Day?
You could give your dog hemp oil every day if you’re seeing results. Older dogs who benefit from hemp oil in terms of their mobility might require a dose or two daily in order to support their joint health and maintain the effects.
What Does Hemp Seed Do for Dogs?
Hemp seed could have positive impacts on the heart health of dogs, although all products are different.
How Long Does It Take for Hemp Seed Oil to Start Working for Dogs?
Hemp seed oil might take a long time to work in your dog’s system. Remember, hemp seed oil is not the same as hemp oil. Hemp seed oil might have general effets that can benefit a pooch over a long period of time, whereas hemp oil could work in a matter of a day or two.
For dogs facing anxiety-related issues, the appropriate dosage of hemp oil could reduce anxiety in a matter of hours.
How Does Hemp Oil Make Dogs Feel?
It depends on the dog. Some dogs may feel more relaxed, whereas other dogs will get their old sense of energy back. It truly depends on the dog in question and the ailments they’re facing.
For example, if a dog has been struggling with mobility issues for a long time, the potential relief that hemp oil offers might make them feel rejuvenated. Alternatively, a dog facing a lot of distress might see a reduction in energy and finally find some time to relax.
When Should I Give My Dog Hemp Oil?
Hemp oil for dogs should be given according to the recommendations of your veterinarian and the dosage instructions on the bottle that you purchase. Each brand is different, so be sure to follow the instructions carefully.