Summer is on the way, and what better way to pass the time than with a Negroni or a French 75? But how is gin made?
Regardless of which cocktails get you slurping, gin is one of the most popular bases for various drinks. This juniper-tasting spirit has long been a favorite worldwide, from underground dive bars to fancy cocktail joints.
In this guide, we’re going to discuss how is gin made commercially and some of the top drinks that you can shake and mix.
Gin Production Guide – How is Gin Made?
Approximately 63% of Americans claimed they were alcohol drinkers, with a substantial number making gin their spirit of choice.
But what is gin made from?
Like other types of liquor, gin is created through fermentation. Depending on the distiller or brand, these base carbohydrates can be anything from grain to fruit.
Most gins on the market today gain their distinctive flavor from adding botanicals. Strictly speaking, the original fermentation process doesn’t differ massively from that of other spirits, but where gin differs is the added flavor.
In gin’s case, the botanical that makes it unique is juniper berries. Adding these dark purple berries is the only requirement for alcohol to be legally classified as gin. If you have any juniper berries and crush them up, you’ll notice the aroma resembles the famous drink.
Despite this, distillers have also shown they are willing to go the extra mile by adding other botanicals to create branded spirits. Some of these botanicals include:
· Coriander
· Citrus
· Honey
· Cardamom
· Lavender
Unlike other alcohols, gin is a drink that can create an endless number of flavor variations. Even today, the industry continues exploring flavor combinations to further revolutionize the gin business.
This is another reason gin has soared in popularity, especially among young people. Today, Americans under 30 account for 30% of all gin consumption.
Creation by Distillation
Distillation is an essential process in creating gin, like with other alcohols. This process involves separating compounds via boiling temperatures. Applying controlled heat makes it possible to extract both alcohol and botanicals.
During the process, the carbohydrate or base grain is mashed up and then combined with yeast and water. Yeast is designed to absorb the alcohol during fermentation. The alcohol base is then added to a still and heated to extract the alcohol in liquid form.
It’s during the distillation process that botanicals are also added. They can be steeped in alcohol or inserted into trays above the base. When base ingredients are heated, the vapors draw out the flavor.
After this, the alcohol is collected and can either be bottled immediately or placed into barrels for aging.
How Long Does it Take to Make Gin?
The process can take anywhere from a few days to a few years. It depends on the distiller’s needs.
For example, the Black Forest Distillery ages its gin within terracotta containers. This is a formula that has worked for over 50 years. And this is where one of its premier brands, Gin Monkey 47, originates.
Is Gin Made from Potatoes?
No, gin is not made from potatoes. Instead, gin is made with neutral spirits. These are typically grains like:
· Barley
· Corn
· Wheat
· Rye
On the other hand, spirits like vodka are made from potatoes.
Is Gin Made from Vodka?
Gin is not technically made from vodka but is a prevalent myth. Firstly, vodka can be made from gin because vodka can be created via various base materials, including grains, potatoes, and fruits.
Some of the most popular cocktails can actually be made with gin manufactured using vodka as a base, as it’s a neutral spirit. However, only juniper berries can make a gin.
Does All Gin Taste of Juniper Berries?
No, but juniper berries are always present. Some distillers, like the Beefeater Distillery, prefer the “London Dry’ flavor profile, which is juniper-led.
On the other hand, some brands may add other botanicals to suppress juniper flavor entirely.
Types of Gin
Countless gin types exist. The spirit has seen something of a renaissance over the last decade, with many wondering how is gin made from scratch. It’s led to a diversion from the wider alcohol industry, with craft breweries popping up worldwide. An estimated 6,000 gin brands exist in the market today.
If you’re thinking about how to drink gin, the first place to begin is with the type of gin you want. Here are some of the most common types:
· London Dry – Traditional, dry, high-proof, and juniper-focused. All flavors are added during or before the distillation, with nothing added afterward.
· Plymouth – Plymouth gin may only be manufactured in Plymouth, England. It bears similar characteristics to London Dry but with a heavier citrus accent.
· New Western – Contemporary gin with a muted juniper flavor. It may be used in some fruity cocktails to bring out different aromas.
· Old Tom – Another traditional production method with a difference. But how is gin made with the Old Tom method? This technique ages the gin like bourbon and adds sugar to create a sweeter taste.
· Genever Gin – Uses a different carbohydrate base to create a sweeter flavor. Genever gin is manufactured in the Netherlands with malted grains.
9 Gin Cocktails You Can Make at Home
Are you searching for easy cocktails to make at home during your next gathering?
Gin works with a remarkable number of traditional cocktails. Here are some excellent cocktails to try with their primary ingredients listed:
1. Gin and Tonic – Gin, tonic water, lime/lemon wedge.
2. Negroni – Gin, Campari, sweet vermouth, and an orange peel.
3. Tom Collins – Gin, lemon juice, syrup, and club soda.
4. Gimlet – Gin, lime juice, and syrup.
5. Singapore Sling – Gin, cherry liqueur, pineapple juice, lime juice, and grenadine.
6. Martini – Gin, dry vermouth, olive/lemon twist.
7. Bee’s Knees – Gin, lemon juice, and honey syrup.
8. Southside – Gin, lime juice, syrup, and mint leaves.
9. French 75 – Gin, champagne, lemon juice, and syrup.
All of them are simple to make and don’t require a degree in mixology. Knowing how is gin made, the process is relatively simple, and the cocktails are just as easy to make.
At Flavor Fix, we bring together some of the best flavors in the world today. We also provide guidance on not only how is gin made but smart weed and cocktail pairings for a relaxing night in.