reLeaf Alternative Dispensary has stores in MA 02048 and makes products that are available to purchase on and offline. Their main address is 321 School St, Mansfield, MA 02048, USA. and (508) 258-7236. Their main website is Their overall total rating is not available, their quality products & services rating is not available, trust worthiness rating is not provided and customer service rating is not yet rated. Please leave your comments and reviews for this brand, if you have tried their products.
Here is what people have to say about reLeaf Alternative Dispensary:
Was there on1/6 and had one of the most knowledgeable people there or someone who gave us a lot of feedback on stuff and sold us what was worth our dollar. Did not get his name but cashier number was 57067. Idk if that helps with reviews. Very happy with what we got!!!
Everyone is so happy and polite. It’s always clean and cheerful as well! Bountiful Farms and Releaf flower are my favorites!!!!!!!
One of the best shops around .Their prices aren’t as good as my own when I was a local trap lord, but compared to other shops they are fair .(I also didn’t pay taxes on mah herb mon ) The fact that they have a cart return policy shows they actually care about customer satisfaction …All the employs are friendly and knowledgeable, especially Amber , she’s the best . Bless up 🙏 .
Picked up an Ozone Forbidden Fruit disposable vape over the weekend and it is phenomenal. Tastes like Juicy Fruit gum and gives the perfect high. Please keep these in stock.
Learn more about reLeaf Alternative Dispensary from information found on their Google Business page.
On its website, you can see the products it has available for sale in its Cannabis Centers:
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