High Quality has stores in OR 97330 and makes products that are available to purchase on and offline. Their main address is 1435 NW 9th St Unit 110, Corvallis, OR 97330, USA. and (541) 286-4771. Their main website is NULL. Their overall total rating is not available, their quality products & services rating is not available, trust worthiness rating is not provided and customer service rating is not yet rated. Please leave your comments and reviews for this brand, if you have tried their products.
Here is what people have to say about High Quality:
I read about about this Dispensary on Weedmaps as being one of the best dispensaries in Oregon I believe. I went there and was rather impressed with both the store the quality of product they carry as well as the friendly service of their staff. As a senior I was able to get even a senior discount which was kind of nice I will admit. After having gone to this dispensary I plan on returning every time I come home. Maybe not every time but most.
High quality has a great look with high quality flower edibles carts and extracts. I walked in and the receptionist was very friendly and quick got me with a bud tinder that Helped me make a decision on some flower As well as a cart if you're in the neighborhood and you're looking for quality products with a great price especially coming up this 420 day you should. Go and and see them they got great deals
I've been to a lot of dispensaries and this one always impresses me with their professionalism and honest customer service. Today I went and was helped by a Trevor who was just phenomenal in the way he was very patient and answered all my questions without pushing me to make a decision. Honestly best experience I've had with a Budtender, will definitely return many times after and will recommend to anyone new to cannabis who just needs direction. Thanks for your help man!
The customer service was beyond expectations, great job of providing me with options to match my mood. Thank you, Mercedes and the rest of the High Quality team. I highly recommend High Quality to any potential customer.
Learn more about High Quality from information found on their Google Business page.
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