Grindstone Highlands has stores in MN 56649 and makes products that are available to purchase on and offline. Their main address is 438 3rd St, International Falls, MN 56649, USA. and (218) 324-1795. Their main website is Their overall total rating is not available, their quality products & services rating is not available, trust worthiness rating is not provided and customer service rating is not yet rated. Please leave your comments and reviews for this brand, if you have tried their products.
Here is what people have to say about Grindstone Highlands:
I love their growing selection and their gummies! They taste great, blue raspberry and cherry are my favorite, and they help me with my migraine symptoms! Highly recommend!
Super cute and intricate designs. Special delivered. Delicious and effective!
I recommend this place because their merchandise is top notch. Stop in and check out what they have. I use everything they have for chronic arthritis pain. The lotion and gummies work best for me.
So thankful we now have Grindstone highlands- products have all been great! Their customer service is top notch and can’t wait to see what’s next to come!
Learn more about Grindstone Highlands from information found on their Google Business page.
On its website, you can see the products it has available for sale in its Cannabis Centers:
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