The Reef Joint has stores in NM 87402 and makes products that are available to purchase on and offline. Their main address is 3000 E 20th St Suite D2, Farmington, NM 87402, USA. and (505) 278-8963. Their main website is Their overall total rating is not available, their quality products & services rating is not available, trust worthiness rating is not provided and customer service rating is not yet rated. Please leave your comments and reviews for this brand, if you have tried their products.
Here is what people have to say about The Reef Joint:
The first time that I walked into this dispensary I already felt right at home, as a cannabis user and consultant who uses marijuana for my anxiety, sleep apnea, depression, PTSD, et cetera. I met Micah, the owner, and set me up with a beautiful range of flowers and cartridges. I regularly purchase from them Tim, and Micah are solid sellers but they are all about cannabis and being consumer themselves. They have excellent deals for your budget range and phenomenal cannabis. I will recommend you to them if you are interested in buying from a reputable and credible company that is willing to help you out with your smoking needs and to enjoy the product they sell. Many thanks again The Reef Joint! Also Try Their YoCan Uni with a cart and also their glass pieces are durable I named my bong freedom and the yocan
legacy! amazing how much they care about you.
Wow! I am very impressed! I am traveling from New Hampshire and I decided to make a stop here for supplies and the guys were so helpful! I was not familiar with all the different strains in NM and the men made amazing choices for me based on the description of what I needed medically. I wish this place had a store closer for me but I will definitely look at ordering online! Best place I have been to yet!
I got really good meds from this place thank you for caring product for my needs of sleep and anxiety I'm paranoid schizophrenic with slight delusional rage helps me a lot.. I can't go into the stores unless I'm with my wife and I med some or eat some edibles to help myself and your medicine helps me do that thank you... Sometime I'll come in and get a pen. I want to try to go to a movie or a restaurant but I don't know..
I absolutely have no complaints. customer service was great- as well as the product(flower). only got flower this time, but they made it to where I definitely will come back! thanks guys😊
Learn more about The Reef Joint from information found on their Google Business page.
On its website, you can see the products it has available for sale in its Cannabis Centers:
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