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Silverleaf Dispensary

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Silverleaf Dispensary

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Silverleaf Dispensary has stores in NJ 08873 and makes products that are available to purchase on and offline. Their main address is 1743 NJ-27 suite 2, Somerset, NJ 08873, USA. and (732) 655-9842. Their main website is silverleafnj.com. Their overall total rating is not available, their quality products & services rating is not available, trust worthiness rating is not provided and customer service rating is not yet rated. Please leave your comments and reviews for this brand, if you have tried their products.

Here is what people have to say about Silverleaf Dispensary:

So excited that there’s finally a dispensary nearby! Tons of products, excellent service, I was in and out quickly, and 25% off the first week was really nice too! Very knowledgeable staff, will be back soon!
I must start by saying that I am not a cannabis user myself, but I am a caretaker for family members with medical issues who have found relief through medical cannabis. My experience at Silverleaf Dispensary has been nothing short of exceptional.

The owners of Silverleaf are incredibly friendly and approachable, which immediately put me at ease. Their knowledge about the various products and their potential benefits is extensive, and they were more than willing to share this information with me. They took the time to understand our specific needs and recommended products that would be most beneficial for my family.

What impressed me most was their genuine care and compassion. They didn't just see us as customers, but as individuals seeking help and comfort for our loved ones. They were patient, understanding, and provided guidance every step of the way.

I highly recommend Silverleaf Dispensary to anyone. Their professionalism, knowledge, and warmth truly stand out. I am grateful for their assistance and will definitely be returning for future needs.
My experience as a patient was excellent. I given many suggestions by the Budtender who checked me in. Both Jade and the security were friendly and nice. Management came out to say "hello" and greeted me warmly.

The Dispensary was clean- the advertising of products was clear and easy to read. The price was very good and they even gave me a discount!

I would certainly come back to Silver Leaf to purchase my medicine.
Silverleaf Somerset Medical dispensary. Great calm cool place. Friendly people knowledgeable and professional. Awesome experience!!! My new favorite dispensary! Free give aways!

Learn more about Silverleaf Dispensary from information found on their Google Business page.

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Silverleaf Dispensary Products

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Silverleaf Dispensary has stores in NJ 08873 and makes products that are available to purchase on and offline. Their main address is 1743 NJ-27 suite 2, Somerset, NJ 08873, USA. and (732) 655-9842. Their main website is silverleafnj.com. Their overall total rating is not available, their quality products & services rating is not available, trust […]

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